Update # 139

Estonian Arts Centre presents "Homing Beyond" ("Põlvkond piiri taga" with English subtitles) on May 18th in Toronto at Alliance Francaise theatre, at Spadina & Lowther. This engaging 30-min film takes a look at young people who have left Estonia, and why they return ... or don't return.
Reception 1845h, Screening at 1930h post-screening discussion with director Terje Toomistu. PWYC (pay-what-you-can, aka vabatahtlik annetus).
Reception refreshments courtesy of Northern Birch Credit Union.
Space limited, register in advance here to guarantee a seat.
More about the film
“Homing Beyond” is Terje Toomistu's 2022 documentary about young people who have left Estonia for various reasons.
At the heart of the film is a generation who came of age after Estonia joined the European Union and who decided to go abroad to work, study or explore the world. But years later, returning to Estonia is often not as easy. The new place of residence often offers attractive career prospects and better living conditions, and important close relationships have developed. People fall in love and get married, find new comfort zones and ways to step out of them again.
“Homing Beyond” brings to the screen the stories of Estonians following their destinies in various parts of the world, who honestly and openly share their personal stories, thoughts and feelings about migration, belonging and roots.
Toronto is the first stop on this film's North American tour.
Director Dr. Terje Toomistu is a documentary filmmaker and anthropologist, a researcher in the Department of Ethnology at the University of Tartu, whose main research interests are related to gender, mobility and affect. Her work as a documentary filmmaker (The Veins of Amazon 2021, co-directors Alvaro Sarmiento and Diego Sarmiento; award-winning Soviet Hippies 2017; Wariazone 2011, co-director Kiwa) has received considerable international media attention, including from The Guardian and The Economist.
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